How to Treat Your Dizziness

One of the most common causes of dizziness is a condition known as vertigo, the feeling that you or your surroundings are moving. Below we explore a number of different treatment options to help you finally find relief from your dizziness.

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Your vestibular system is located within your inner ear and is responsible for regulating your balance, equilibrium and spatial orientation.

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) has been shown to be effective at reducing episodes of vertigo and dizziness. VRT consists of a series of exercises customized to meet your unique needs through the use of compensation. The brain learns to use other senses to substitute for the deficiencies from the vestibular system.

The two types of exercises used are:

  • Habituation
  • Gaze stabilization

Epley Maneuver

This treatment is specific for treating benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This type of vertigo occurs when calcium crystals, called otoconia, come loose and move into the canals within your inner ear. Once there, they can clump together and sink to the lowest part in your inner ear.

Every time you move, the liquid in your semicircular canals moves. But this clump of crystals causes the fluid to continue moving, even after your body has stopped. This gives your brain incorrect information, leading to dizziness.

The Epley maneuver is a series of exercises also called canalith repositioning. You will be asked to lie on your back while your doctor shifts your head, causing the crystals to move to a less sensitive area of your body. While this exercise is initially done in the office, your doctor will teach you some at-home maneuvers you can do on your own.

Change in Diet

Vestibular migraines can cause dizziness, loss of balance and vertigo. Making changes to your diet, specifically avoiding food high in salt and excessive caffeine, can help reduce or eliminate your migraines.

Diuretics for Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that can lead to vertigo. Some patients have found that taking water pills and following a low-salt diet helped reduce their symptoms. This is because Meniere’s disease is in part the result of excess fluid in the inner ear.

If you are experiencing unexplained episodes of dizziness, now is the time to do something about it. Contact the balance experts at Hearing Center of Lake Charles today to get started.

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