The Top Inspirational Hearing Loss Blogs

In the US, hearing loss to some extent impacts 20 percent of the total population, or 48 million people. On average, therefore, one out of every five people you encounter will have hearing loss.

For those who sincerely want to understand the condition—or that deal with hearing loss themselves and would like some personal perspective—there’s no better source than gaining knowledge from those presently living with impaired hearing.

Below is our list of the best personal blogs on life with hearing loss.

Speak Up Librarian

Sarah, the author of the blog, is a librarian planning to create a more easily accessible, communication-friendly world. In her blog, she recounts her experience of coming to terms with hearing loss and adapting to life with hearing aids. Making use of humor and personal anecdotes, her wish is that individuals can discover more about hearing loss while benefiting from some of the resources she’s discovered through the years.

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Grand Piano Passion

Grand Piano Passion is “an online oasis of articles, essays, and original videos for studying the piano as an adult, making music despite hearing loss, and claiming your passion, whatever it may be.”

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Hear 2 Work

This blog is committed to helping people to cope with hearing loss at work. Tracey, the creator of Hear 2 Work, has been on the job with growing hearing loss over the last 20 years. Along the way, she’s learned numerous ideas that she’s passing on to her followers.

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Living With Hearing Loss

Shari Eberts, the author of Living With Hearing Loss, is a hearing health advocate, regularly writing and speaking on the issue and seeking to put a stop to the stigma linked with hearing loss and using hearing aids.

She developed the blog to function as an outlet for her own experiences with hearing loss as well as to establish a community for those dealing with similar problems.

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The Invisible Disability and Me

The Invisible Disability and Me is a blog about the author’s own experiences with profound hearing loss. The blog aims to increase awareness of hearing loss, describe how to spot the initial signs and symptoms, and reveal the charities and organizations that can help.

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Coping with Silence

My Hearing Loss Journey

The Effects of Hearing Loss

What did we miss? If you have any personal blogs or hearing-related websites you’d like to recommend, include them in a comment below.

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