Our Approach
Our hearing rehabilitation process has been in place since we started the practice in 1987. We begin with a comprehensive audiological evaluation, a communication needs assessment and a personal preference and abilities profile. The results of these assessments help us develop a treatment plan that will ensure you achieving your communication goals. We utilize evidence based best practices to verify, validate and measure outcomes of the recommended treatment plan.
We believe that engaging your communication partner in the process further ensures successful outcomes, which leads to higher patient satisfaction.

Why Choose Us ?
Our Experience and Values
Founded in 1987, our locally-owned, independent business values commitment to relationships with in-
dividuals and businesses in our community. With ample and varied experience, our well-trained Doctors
of Audiology are the experts when it comes to identifying, diagnosing and treating hearing difficulties.
Our Approach
We begin with a comprehensive audiological evaluation, a communication needs assessment and a
personal preference and abilities profile. The results of these assessments help us develop a treatment
plan that will ensure you achieving your communication goals. We utilize evidence based best practices to verify, validate and measure outcomes of the recommended treatment plan.
Our Diagnostic Tests
In order to determine the right treatment for you, your audiologist first needs to determine your type and degree of hearing loss. Our precise, thorough and accurate diagnostic tests are conducted in our state-of-the-art center to produce optimal results.
Our Treatment Options
Based upon a thorough hearing evaluation and individual needs, a treatment plan is customized that
may include the most appropriate hearing devices and additional strategies.
Our Fitting Process
The best hearing aids on the market are worthless if they are not fit to your exact degree of hearing
loss. Our audiologists are well-trained to fit and program hearing aids based on the results of your
hearing tests. We use the most advanced equipment and evidence-based methods to ensure the best
fit and best outcomes.