Hearing aids are a significant investment, not just in money but also in time – so taking care of them to prevent damage is essential. In addition, if your hearing aid breaks or is damaged, not only are you out the time and money of getting it repaired or replaced, you also have to live without your important sense of hearing during that time. Below are some tips for preventing damage to your devices.

Battery Care

Of course, your hearing aid won’t work without a battery. Some people make the mistake of buying the wrong batteries, either by accident or because they think they’re “close enough,” but this is a mistake. Talk to your audiologist to make sure you’re buying the correct batteries for your devices.

It’s important to wash and completely dry your hands before handling the batteries, as debris, oils and moisture on your hands can cause damage to the internal components of the devices. It is a good idea to change the batteries over a towel to minimize damage if dropped.

Moisture Damage

Hearing aids are intricate digital technology, and even a small amount of moisture can wreak havoc on them. Be sure to take out your hearing aids for exercise if you sweat a lot, before taking a shower and certainly before hopping into a pool or hot tub.

Avoid hairspray, spray deodorants and other aerosols while wearing your devices. Not only can the moisture cause damage, but aerosols contain chemicals that can cause buildup and problems over time.

Consider purchasing a dehumidifier to store your hearing aids in at night in order to remove all excess moisture.

Earwax Buildup

Earwax is important for your ear health, but it can also build up in your hearing aid and cause it to break down.

The best way to remove earwax is by visiting an audiologist; however, this is not always practical. The most important thing to remember is to not stick anything in your ears to clean them out, as this is more likely to cause the earwax to become impacted than remove it. Instead, purchase over-the-counter eardrops to soften the wax so it can work its way out on its own.

Be sure to clean your hearing aid very carefully with a wax pick and soft cloth, following your audiologist’s instructions to avoid damage.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Hearing Center of Lake Charles today.